Monday, August 30, 2010

House projects

Now that we're officially down here in our new house the projects seem endless. Some of our outside projects have included: contouring the yard, building fences, clearing brush, digging gray water lines, covering the water lines, building decks, putting steps down to the lower yard, terracing my garden area and putting skirting on the house. Some of the inside projects have included: hanging pictures, sewing curtains, wallpapering, and painting the kids room mural. We have a million more projects to go but that is what we've been working on over the last few months. The lower yard was sloped so we've had to dig it out, import dirt and try and level it out as much as possible, Once it was leveled we've were able to start fencing in the lower yard. It was slow going because there was still a slight incline to the yard and the post had to be placed in hole 18" deep. Doesn't sound like much but when you're digging in almost pure rock it's pretty slow going. Don even named one of the holes the donkey hole (you can figure out why) because it was pure rock. We also cleared a lot of dead brush from the hillsides around our house. While doing this one day I had my 2nd snake encounter. I had placed my hand on a rock that a snake was under, I don't think I've ever moved so fast. It ended up being a 2 1/2 ft long rattle snake with 8 rattles. EEEKKK! Don dug two 40 ft long trenches so we can use our gray water (water from our kitchen sink area and laundry room) to water our plants. With there being a slight water shortage out here and since we try to be as eco friendly as possible, we decided to try and reuse our gray water. Don has also been busy putting in steps to the lower yard. We used old railroad ties as steps and they turned out great! We're SLOWLY working on the skirting and the decks. Unfortunately everything takes money so every paycheck we try to get some more supplies to get a little farther. Hopefully they'll be done sooner than later. The inside of the house is finally feeling like home. I've been busy sewing curtains and pillows and have finished the jungle room mural in the kids room. I also covered the old teapot wallpaper with a much more modern, hip style. I've also been working on my garden area. So far I've been working on terracing the levels. I finished my compost bin and soon I'll be working on my raised planter beds and chicken coop. I keep telling Don that by this time next year our house should look like a completely different place. The deck will be done, the skirting done, the house painted, the kids room additions done, and the patio, lawn and garden area done. Ahhh, I can't wait. Maybe we'll actually get to relax a little bit next summer.

Don putting the finishing touches on the deck he, my dad and our friend Gabe built.Téa keeping a close eye on Daddy
She's such a big helper (at least she thinks she is).
Goofball Caden
Téa decided it was her job to hand Daddy each nail.
She then proceeded to place other nails in holes she found on the boards.
Earning their keep.
Our future yard. Starting to level out.

Such big helpers.

Téa really got into it.
The kiddos.

Dirty-faced Caden.Even dirtier-faced Téa.

Finally leveled.

Fixing our roads.
The fence finally starting to take shape. Good job Daddy!
The "Donkey hole".

Yep, pure rock. Don said it was like chiseling a hole.

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