Monday, August 30, 2010

Don's graduation

On May 22nd 2010 Don became a college graduate. It has a been a rough road and has come with many sacrifices but after a long haul he finally did it. We couldn't be more proud of him. He can now say that he has a Bachelors degree in Teledramatic and Visual Arts. Yippee!!!!!!We weren't sure we were going to make it to the graduation at all. On Tuesday at my 38 week appointment my midwife told me I was 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced and at a plus one station, she couldn't believe I was still walking around and hadn't gone into labor yet. She was convinced that if I even sneezed my water would break and the baby would be born within 3 hrs. As a result she said there's no way you'll make it through the weekend. That baby is going to be born any minute. Well, after lots of jumping jacks, long walks and bouncing on my exercise ball Tuesday passed, Wednesday passed, Thursday passed and Friday came and still no baby. I had another appointment on Friday and was almost 4 cm dilated. The entire office was shocked to see me again. She told me there is no way you'll make it through the weekend and highly recommended not going anywhere; not to Dons graduation and definitely not to Lindsey's wedding (over 3 hrs away). Convinced I was going to be having the baby that weekend and that it was going to be a fast labor my mom came up to stay with us so she wouldn't miss the birth. I woke up early Saturday morning with bad back pains and thought that this could be the early stages, so I let Lindsey know we weren't going to be making it and we waited to see if we were even going to make it to Don's graduation or the birth center. The back aches continued but never got any worse so we thought we'd try to make it through the graduation ceremony long enough to let him walk and maybe we'd have to go to the birth center after that. Well, we barely made it through the graduation (sitting on concrete bleachers when you're very pregnant was not enjoyable and definitely didn't help the back ache). After a long day of being uncomfortable little nugget still didn't make his/her big debut.

There's our graduate

The ceremony

I snapped this picture when they called his name. I'm sure he's somewhere on that stage.

Téa, so proud of her Daddy

We did it!!!!

Good bye Monterey Otters

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