Thursday, February 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

We celebrated Christmas twice this year. First at our own home and then at my parents house. The kids got many wonderful gifts. Caden got a little tikes truck and a tricycle from Santa and Téa received a rocking chair and a rocking elephant. They also got many nice books, clothes and so much more. Having kids makes the holidays so much more enjoyable and special. Seeing your child's face light up is the best feeling in the world. I can't wait until next year when they get the concept of Santa a little bit more. Unfortunately Don had to work Christmas eve and the day after Christmas but we made the most of it and had a wonderful holiday anyways.

Téa sitting under the Christmas tree
Téa opening some presents
What a spoiled little girl

Caden was very excited about his new trike

Caden and his stash of presents
Téa's rocking chair

The rocking elephant
After opening presents the kids watched Sesame Street together

Our second Christmas celebration was spent at Ma'ma and Papa's house. The kids as usual made out like bandits and there was no shortage of cookies and other goodies. The kids also got to see their cousin Aleah. Next year they will be able to interact a lot more with her. Papa, as is tradition got a little carried away and cooked three 20+ pound turkeys. He also stuck branches of mistletoe in his hat in an attempt to get kisses. The picture above is the first picture ever taken of Ma'ma and her 3 grand kids. We were happy to celebrate with my family but Don's side of the family was sadly missed as they spent the holidays in Florida.

Crazy Papa and his Branches of Mistletoe

Pucker up Téa
Smooches from Ma'ma
Caden got a potty for Christmas. We've been practicing but no luck yet.
He has mastered his "try hard" face though
More of his "try hard" face. And yes he is listening to my ipod on the pot.
Téa in her car
Téa checking out Great Grandma Betty
Daddy and Téa
I love my Daddy
Téa playing with her present from Uncle Brandon
Caden listening to "Do you Realize??" by the Flaming Lips
Ma'ma holding baby Aleah
My turn

Uncle Judd and Téa
Ma'ma's girl

Valarie, Judd and baby Aleah

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