Sunday, January 2, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Season's Greetings From the Kaizen Klan
Another year has come and gone and with it has brought a lot of changes for our family. In May we added a new addition to our family and 9 days later we relocated back to the central coast. We’ve spent the last 6 months fixing up our house and making it our own and adjusting to being a family of 5.

On May 26th our newest member, Asher Urijah Kaizen, made his debut into the world. He weighed in at 8 lbs 10 oz and measured 20” long. He has been a perfect addition to our family. He has been dubbed “ little chunk” as he has an insatiable appetite and weighs in at over 17 lbs already (he’s only 6 months old). He is the sweetest little baby and has the most kissable cheeks and the biggest blue eyes you have ever seen. Caden likes having a little brother around and Téa LOVES her real life baby doll.

Téa, our little princess, is 2 1/2 going on 22 1/2. She might be a little pint sized peanut but she definitely thinks she rules the house. She loves to boss her big brother Caden around and is obsessed with her baby brother Asher. She loves helping Mommy around the house and taking care of her 2 brothers. Although she doesn’t mind getting dirty she really enjoys prancing around the house in her “Cinderella shoes” (her first pair of high heels). Like most women her outfits aren’t complete without the perfect accessories which usually includes a hat, necklace, bracelet or sunglasses. If you haven’t guessed we are slightly dreading the teenage years.

Caden is a 5 year old energetic little boy. He is attending preschool and doing great. He is learning to write his name and and draw his shapes. He loves puzzles and music. He has even taught himself how to play twinkle twinkle little star on the piano and the ABC’s on the xylophone. I know it sounds crazy but we think he’s a little music protégé. As always Caden is the happiest sweetest little boy and Christmas is always special for us because we brought Caden home from the NICU on Christmas day, talk about a wonderful Christmas present.

Don has been very busy with work and never ending house projects. He is finally getting used to seeing my “honey do lists”. His lists have included jobs such as clearing brush, digging ditches and building fences. Unfortunately for him the end is not in sight yet. We have yet to build our deck, repaint the house and build the 2 new additions. Luckily he’s been a pretty good sport.

I have been pretty busy taking care of our 3 munchkins. Most of my time is spent driving them to and from school and appointments, cooking them meals and doing 15 loads of laundry a week. Yes, I can say my life is pretty exciting these days. Messes and all I wouldn’t have it any other way.

May 2011 bring you and your family lots of love and adventures. Happy Holidays!

Love, the Kaizen Klan
Don, Kati, Caden, Téa and Asher.

The Kaizen Kids
Most of the Crew: Top- Uncle Brandon, Papa, Great Grandma Betty, Great Grandpa Don, Daddy
bottom row- Mamma, Téa, Caden, Me, Asher and Uncle Cody

Smiley boy

Caden Bradley

Téa very ready for Santa to come.

Christmas eve at Grammy and Poppy's house.
Poppy showing Téa her new art set
Téa and Caden opening their potty time Elmo from Aunt Lindsay.
Great Grandma was there too.
Téa loved her new baby from Grammy and Poppy.

Studly Caden with his new Thomas trains from Grammy and Poppy.
Look closely and you'll see Santa tracks : )
A closer look at the evidence
Santa ate all the cookies and left a nice note.

Caden was soooooo excited for the train table and his new trains.

The loot: Téa's kitchen on the left, Asher's blocks in the middle and Caden's train table right. I'm not sure that Santa was looking at the right list when he made this delivery, I was sure they were on the naughty list.
Caden playing with his new trains.

Téa feeding Asher
Téa and Caden cooking some food in the new kitchen.
Ashy with his stocking
Téa working on one of her new puzzles
Our future pianist- he taught himself how to play jingle bells on the piano
"Ho Ho Ho" here comes Papa, I mean Santa down the stairs
The kids were a little scared at first
Santa called Aleah up first
The Kaizen kids patiently waiting for their turn with Santa
Asher checking out the man in red

Asher opening his new bear from Santa
Téa's turn

Caden was VERY excited. He didn't even wait for Santa to call his name. He just ran up and sat on the couch.
Ashy's turn again
Aleah helping Asher open his present

Téa hugging Santa

Asher and Mamma

Santa with the whole crew

Santa's little helpers
Poor Princess Kitty

1 comment:

Kat said...

This is so rad! I want to have been there so badly. I just about lost it when I saw Santa, so funny! I love your family it's so good to see them all even if it's just in pictures. I need to get up that mountain of yours!