Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Goodies

I love to bake, especially around the holiday season. This year was the first year I was not alone in the process. I had 3 faithful sidekicks who helped make this year in the kitchen quite a memorable one. We started off by all putting on our aprons. The red and white striped one that Téa is wearing was worn by my mother when she was a little girl, by me when I was a little girl and now it is Téa's to wear. Caden got to wear a Trader Joes one, and since we didn't really have one for Asher we put a home depot one on him so he didn't feel left out. The kids had fun dumping the ingredients into the bowl and mixing everything together. After awhile Caden got bored and Asher went down for a nap but little Téa stuck right by my side. I gave her her own little bowl of flour to pretend to mix; bad mistake. I was busy putting cookies in the oven when the next thing I know Téa was laughing saying, " Look Mommy, snow". My little helper had managed to cover the entire counter, chair, floor and herself with flour. Note to self: little helpers should not be left unsupervised with baking ingredients. Oh well, she had a lot of fun and I had a little bit more of a mess than I had anticipated. All in all it was a success. The week before Christmas we also managed to decorate a gingerbread house. The kids had a blast putting candy on it, although I'm not sure if more candy went in their mouths or on the house. They were really proud of their work of art and had even more fun picking a piece or two off every night.

My cookie making assistant Caden

Asher, our Supervisor.

My faithful sidekick Téa
The mess is already beginning and we're just getting started.
Yes, we all put flour on our faces and they thought it was hilarious.
Caden helping

I caught her sneaking.

There's her little apron.
Mommy's little helper.

"Mommy look, snow"
Cookie Monster

The little gingerbread houses we made together at Caden's school.

Now for the big one
Yay, we did it!

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