Monday, January 25, 2010

Making Progress

The house is slowly coming together. As of Christmas they had the largest 2 sections of the house leveled and put back together. This was the first time we were able to get into the house since it had been moved. The house was in major shambles because part of moving it means they have to roll up carpets, pull up floors, take off doors and tape up all the cupboards. We were a little taken back by how bad it looked inside, but we knew it had to get worse before it got better. We're hoping the workers finish putting the house back together in the next week or so.

Here we are sitting in front of our future front door

A view of our home from on top of the hillside above
Another view of our house
The 2 largest sections on the left are leveled and put back together

Caden and Ma'ma standing in front of the house
The kitchen with the lights taken out and cupboards taped up
The den with the carpets rolled up, and doors laying all over the floor
The dining area with the taped up hutch

Here is the living room, the plastic on the left side is where the remaining piece of the house will be added on.
The bathroom all taped up
The master bedroom. The plastic on the left is where the remaining section will be attached. The big pieces of wood are part of a staircase off of the master bedroom. What a mess!
The master bathroom.

More of the master bedroom
Daddy and Téa in front of our future fireplace
Peeking out the front door.
The remaining section
These piers are spread out underneath the house. They are the only thing holding our house off the ground and keeping it level. Apparently, they're even strong enough to withstand earthquakes. I sure hope so.
Our future back yard.
The front of the house with the picture windows. We're going to be building the kids rooms off of the right side of the house. Hopefully by this time next year Caden and Téa will have their own rooms.

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