Monday, March 30, 2009

New additions

Another snaggle tooth has made her way into our family. We've been debating for awhile about getting a 2nd dog. You see Leila has terrible anxiety (probably as a result of being in the shelter for almost 5 months) and we thought a second CALM dog might help mellow her out. Committing to take a 2nd dog in seemed like a lot so we hadn't made that leap yet. However, after seeing Keelah we absolutely feel in love with her (terrible under bite and all). We decided to meet her in person and see if Leila and her got along. They clicked immediately and we knew we had to make her part of our family. It's amazing how perfectly she has fit into our family dynamic. She and Leila are inseparable, she's great with Mandy and the kids adore her. She has also worked wonders with calming Leila down. She's super smart and it feels like we've had her forever.

Leila with the blank stare and Keelah with the face only a mother could love

2 Peas in a Pod
Leila and her new best friend
Pretty girl
They love each other so much

We also recently upgraded our aquarium to a 30 gallon. After a minor guppy explosion (lets just say I went from 4 guppies to 40 in less than a month) it was time to upgrade. I thought I only had one male guppy but apparently not. After researching online I realized I had missed 3. I thought their tail fin was the only way to tell, obviously I was very wrong. I spent an entire day sexing baby guppies according to their ventral fin ( the one on their belly). Hopefully I got it right this time. If anyone wants some free fish let me know. I'd be more than happy to part with some. It's really peaceful and relaxing to look at and Mandy especially enjoys taunting the fish.

We also added 2 rats to the mix. I grew up with rats and absolutely loved them. When I saw these 2 I couldn't pass them up. Again, Don wasn't too sure about rats, but after spending 5 minutes with him all of his hesitations were gone. He was surprised by their personalities and how cute they actually were. They are both girls and their names are Pandora (Left) and Jade (right). They love to sit in your lap and Caden loves to help feed them. We're still trying convince Mandy that they are not a meal for her.

Leila keeping a close eye on Pandora
Cute little Pandora
Pandora eating something yummy
Jade nibbling on a treat
More of Jade
I promised Don we are done with animals for awhile. We have pleanty to love and keep us busy. He's such a good sport. He knew I was an animal lover but I'm not sure if he knew what was in store. : )

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