Monday, December 22, 2008

Here and there

Here's some random pictures from the last month. The kids are growing and developing more and more each day. Caden's walking is getting much better and his talking is coming along as well. He's using 6-7 word sentences which is supposed to be a good thing, I'm still trying to convince myself of that. He's also been enjoying trying on Mommy and Daddy's clothes. In the picture to the right he's trying on Mommy's sunglasses.

My Handsome Man

All Smiles

My Happy Boy
Caden wants to wear pretty stuff like Téa

Téa is almost 8 months old. She currently has
3 teeth and at least 3 more
on the way. Poor little girl! We've had several rough nights but hopefully we'll be through this soon. She is also almost crawling. She gets up on her knees and rocks back and forth or gets in a push up position. So far she can only push herself backwards which frustrates her very much. She can sit up by herself now which she has enjoyed since she is a little more independent. She's also eating 3 meals a day, yum yum.

Téa making a mess of mommy's yarn

Getting a bath in the sink
What a messy girl
She's such a little ham
Téa doing her push ups
All Smiles
A rough night when she was cutting her first tooth
Bad teeth and bad hair
Static hair
Mommy trying to calm my little firecracker down
Poor baby
Miss independent, I want to feed myself
Téa and her little pig tails
Téa enjoying her bumbo
Happy girl
My little chunker
Daddy and the kids on our walk (there's snow on the mountains behind them)

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