Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas from the Kaizen Klan.  We've had a busy year leading up to this point, but here we are at the end of another year.  The kids were very excited for Santa to come this year although Don and I are still scratching our heads as to how they made it on the nice list.  This year the older 2 kids got bikes and Asher got a little ride on toy too.  The biggest surprise was their new big kid playground outside and a little white fluff ball kitten named "Sir Henry the Horrible".  Somehow our "naughty" little munchkins made out like bandits.

This year Caden is in Kindergarten.  He has been doing fabulous.  He started off in the special education class and after a week his teacher approached us and said that he felt Caden was misplaced.  He felt like Caden would do great in regular kindergarten.  We agreed to SLOWLY transition him over and see how he did.  He started with 30 minutes, then 1 hr, then 2, and finally 3 hrs.  Finally the teachers and us had a sit down and discussed Caden's progress.  He was doing great!  He was ahead or where he needed to be in all of his academics and was making lots of friends.  Don and I couldn't have been happier.  Upon these encouraging words he started the following week as a fully mainstreamed Kindergartner.  He has continued to make tremendous progress and is reading, writing, adding and subtracting.  Other than school he is still his same old silly self.  His favorite things are tormenting his younger sister and playing the piano.  

Téa is turning into Mommy's little helper.  She loves helping me clean the house and tries very hard to be a little mommy to Asher (although he's not too fond of it).  She also enjoys helping me cook and bake.  She is also turning into quite the artist and animal lover.  She's always asking to color, paint or do craft projects with me.  The kids new Christmas present from Santa "Sir Henry the Horrible" is a 9 week old kitten.  I'm sure he looks forward to being  put down and having a chance to breath because the minute Téa laid eyes on him she put him in an immediate headlock and has been kissing and hugging on him ever since.  She's even tried to put him in her bed, baby sling, bike basket and baby cradle. 

Asher is losing his babyness everyday and is turning more and more into a big boy.  He loves trying to do everything the other two kids are doing.  His favorite hobby these days is still eating.  That little guy is like a bottomless pit.  He eats from sun up to sun down with a few breaks in between to play and sleep.  He LOVES  Choo Choo's (trains)  and Elmo.  He still has the chubbiest cheeks you've ever seen and I'm sure they are kissed at least 50 times a day.

Don has been extremely busy this year.  Besides working at Trader Joes full time and keeping up with my endless list of house projects he recently started a photography business.  I am so proud of him.  He has been working very hard to master his camera and different techniques.  You can check out his website at www.donkaizenphotography.com

I've been busy as well.  Besides holding down this crazy household (which is a major job in itself) I have also been teaching the Bright futures program a few days a week.  With Don doing so well at photography I also finally decided to pursue my arts and crafts business.  Kaizen Kreations made it's grad debut this year at 2 craft shows.  I did really well and my goal for next year is to do at least 10.  It's a win win situation across the board.  I love arts and crafts, I get to stay home with my babies and I get to make some money at the same time.  What's better than that?

I hope 2011 has treated you well and hope 2012 brings you even more blessings and joy.

Love the Kaizen Klan

Picking out our Christmas Tree

Daddy cutting it down.

Daddy and all of his "helpers" taking the tree back to the car.

Decorating the tree.

Decorating the gingerbread house.

We pulled a "Clark Griswold" and a got a tree that was too tall for our house.  With a little pruning we made it fit!  : )
The kids at the Christmas Parade.

Caden's school performance.

Other kids got nicest penmanship, hardest worker, Caden got the fastest feet award.
Caden and his new full time teacher Mr. Heman.

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