Saturday, December 19, 2009

Our little nugget

Our little nugget is getting bigger and stronger everyday. I am currently 16 weeks pregnant which means our baby is about 4.5-5 inches long and 3.5 ounces. What a whopper. I finally felt the baby move for the first time the other day. The little thumps I felt meant 2 things: Either it is practicing for soccer or practicing on defending itself from it's big brother and sister. Now that I'm in my second trimester I've been feeling great. I haven't been feeling sick and my energy level has finally picked back up. We got to hear the heart beat recently and it was absolutely perfect. In a few weeks I'm having my 20 week ultrasound done. I can't wait to get some recent pictures of our little nugget. Can you believe that by this time next year I will have a 5 yr old, a 2 1/2 year old and a 6 month old. That's a thought I'm not sure I'm ready for yet.
My 8 week belly
14 week belly

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